Wall Art in STR (Video) by Juliana Twomey

Art could be your biggest opportunity to STAND OUT in a crowd of 'average-boring cookie-cutter' vacation rentals

Showcase our exquisite minimalistic fine art prints of National Parks, Cities, and Wild Animals in your vacation property. Transform your interior spaces with serene and tranquil art, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your accommodations with our exclusive savings offer. Eligible Businesses

  • Airbnb Owners
  • Vrbo Owners
  • Hotel Owners
  • Bed & Breakfast Owners
  • Boutique Hotels

Vista Nuovo special offers for vacation rental owner, designers and other STR business professionals:

  • SAVE 25%: 25% discount on art prints for vacation rentals.
  • PARTNER WITH US: Become a partner to receive a QR code for guest purchases and earn a 25% commission. These savings aim to help B&Bs create visually appealing spaces for guests.

Contact juliana@juliana2me for information on our exclusive promotions via email or call 802-449-6348.

Want to learn more about The Imact of Art in Vacation Properties? Click here to read about the top 10 mistakes that owners make so you can avoid them.