For the Love of Trees

For the Love of Trees

For the love of trees . . . 

Every once in a while I am out walking I try to imagine what our world would be like without trees. I don't know why I do this, but when I do realize how grateful I am for trees.

Trees of all sizes shapes and colors. The leaves alone leave me with a sense of wonder. Each one is so unique and yet we can identify them. the compositions they make from the fallen leaves on the ground to the negative space created when we see a stand of trees. 

Trees are amazing. Aren't you glad we have trees? And glad that so many are protected in National Parks and conservation lands? This way we never need to think about what the world would be like without trees. We never need to think about the unthinkable.

The trees as the feature of National Park Fine Art Prints hanging in a living area. Redwood, Sequoia by Juliana2me to honor how trees contribute to a landscape.
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