Turquoise Dreaming

Turquoise Dreaming

Island Dreaming

It just snowed about 6" in New Hampshire. My morning walk was beautiful. It's the heavy kind of snow that sticks to the evergreens enough to make these giants wilt and look more like willows. 

It is at this time of year I dream of Florida. I have been lucky to have family in Florida, so my trips have been more often than they would otherwise have been. I close my eyes and can see the beautiful turquoise waters and the light sandy beaches.

In my mind, I can even feel the warmth of the sun, so healing envelopes me and makes me feel whole. 

Islands, peninsulas, coasts, and other tropical lands, the jewels of our earth radiating in turquoise and aquamarines, glittering and inviting us to swim. Is this your kind of place?   

Prints in photo from left to right: Virgin Islands, Dry Tortugas
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