Rocky Mountain Not Too High

Rocky Mountain Not Too High

Rocky Mountain- Not Too High 

It's a pet peeve of mine. People hang their pictures too high and it makes such a difference in the showing of a work of art when it is properly hung. 

So here's the trick, Paintings should be hung at eye level. Whose eye level? Eye level of average adult height. In the USA the average male is 5’that 9” and female 5’ 3” so 5’ 6” is your target. Make it so that if you were 5’ 6” you would not need to look up to see it.  

The photo above shows a nicely placed print. The photo below is hanging too high.

If you buy a Rocky Mountain print or any other one of the series of National Park prints, don’t hang them too high on the wall.  

Prints in photo: Rocky Mountain

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