ART for BNB BLOG by Juliana2me: Insights on Using Wall Art to Enhance Vacation Rental Spaces

The Color is all Wrong
The Color is all Wrong, I once painted a family room only to be halfway through and really knew in my heart that the color was not quite right. Not...
The Color is all Wrong
The Color is all Wrong, I once painted a family room only to be halfway through and really knew in my heart that the color was not quite right. Not...

Boho Mix and Match
Boho Design style is eclectic. Why not mix and match prints from many places on your Boho walls? Here is a great quote to describe this design style: "Boho style...
Boho Mix and Match
Boho Design style is eclectic. Why not mix and match prints from many places on your Boho walls? Here is a great quote to describe this design style: "Boho style...

Wake up Happy
Have you ever camped in Dry Tortugas? I have not, but I can imagine the feeling of waking up to the sunshine on a beautiful Island with tropical waters. You’d...
Wake up Happy
Have you ever camped in Dry Tortugas? I have not, but I can imagine the feeling of waking up to the sunshine on a beautiful Island with tropical waters. You’d...

Dogs and Feng Shui
Dogs and Feng Shui According to the ancient space principles of Feng Shui, dogs bring positive energy to a home. What do you think? I agree. :) Prints in the photo...
Dogs and Feng Shui
Dogs and Feng Shui According to the ancient space principles of Feng Shui, dogs bring positive energy to a home. What do you think? I agree. :) Prints in the photo...

Peaceful Art in your Airbnb
Peaceful Art for your Airbnb Vacations are filled with times of adventure and exploring, most guests spend their days out hiking, eating out, taking pictures, and learning about their new...
Peaceful Art in your Airbnb
Peaceful Art for your Airbnb Vacations are filled with times of adventure and exploring, most guests spend their days out hiking, eating out, taking pictures, and learning about their new...

Turquoise Dreaming
Island Dreaming It just snowed about 6" in New Hampshire. My morning walk was beautiful. It's the heavy kind of snow that sticks to the evergreens enough to make these...
Turquoise Dreaming
Island Dreaming It just snowed about 6" in New Hampshire. My morning walk was beautiful. It's the heavy kind of snow that sticks to the evergreens enough to make these...