This is a new piece I'm working on called Nest, and I'm entering this into an art show in New Hampshire and the theme of the show is called Nest. I created this composition which has an egg and a nest, and the nest is actually one line. And now we have the oval shape, so it's a very simple design. I think it captures the essence of what a nest is for protection and nurturing. I'm gonna share with you just a little bit about my, color process and how I change colors of artwork. The color interplay in my artwork is very important because they're usually only a handful of colors and so getting those colors, to be the right colors and work well together is important and sometimes I can get it right and sometimes I need to keep tweaking. Adobe Illustrator has a really nice tool whereby I can recolor the, a whole artwork. I un link so that I can individually tweak just specific colors so here I'm working on I can play and see immediately what the interaction is between the other colors. IIf I get the color combination correct the artwork works and if I get it incorrect. It simply doesn't.