London Fog on the Blog

London Fog on the Blog

This post is about two things. My new addition to the cityscape series of London, and a drink called "London Fog" which is Earl Gray Tea with Steamed milk and vanilla syrup. Have you ever had one? Me neither, but I would like to try one now that I have learned what is.

My London print has a gray foggy backdrop, and abstract shapes to suggest a few things. Can you see them? The Big Ben clock tower's circular face and rooftop,  the sweep of the shape that supports the London Bridge, and the blue line suggest the buildings and river combined. 

The cityscapes are not intended to be realistic in any way. I think they are more abstract than the National Park designs, but to me, cities are confusing and hence the many crisscrossing lines enclosed in a square shape. The lines are "squished in" as many of us can feel sometimes when in a city. I did spend many of my years in cities. What I have concluded its that cities have a pulse and a vibe that is not so much about the cityscape as it is about the flavor and feel of a place. That is what I am trying to capture with these designs. How did I do?  

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