Our World is Complex-I Go Simple

Our World is Complex-I Go Simple

I have been thinking lately about how complex life has gotten. The new technologies have replaced some of the quiet and simple still moments in life. I remember being bored as a child and although it was not a great feeling, it inspired me to art and songwriting and exploring nature.

There is something sacred now about feeling bored. It means we have stopped long enough to take the time to be still and to listen to an intuition, a muse, or a loved one. 

My art is simple. Not easy, but simple. I intentionally choose simple. There are amazing tools at my fingertips to create endlessly and I love doing the in the Vista Nuovo Look books (I create in Canva) or when I draw digitally just for fun (procreate) but when I set out to create a National Park Print, I am slow, deliberate and thoughtful. I have limited myself to only a few elements and therefore each one is important and the interaction among them with the prices choice of color and the composition becomes my challenge. A challenge that is so rewarding. I feel sometimes when I am creating these that the world slows down. I get absorbed into the precise elements and moving them around until i find that ahah moment where I know I've captured a place.

Many hours go in before I get to the drawing stage. Lots of time reading and discovering the special features of a place. I love every part of it. It is my desire and intention that when you view or purchase my art that you have these similar reactions. I hope it helps you to slow down, to embrace simplicity. 

Gallery Wall of Vista Nuovo Art Prints by Juliana2me. Left to right: Paris, Yoho, Yorkshire Dales, Grand Canyon 

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